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A s i a n    T r a d i t i o n a l    X    C o n t e m p o r a r y    A r t    E x c h a n g e    P l a t f o r m

 ( w o r k i n g    t i t l e )

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S y n o p s i s 

What would traditional art be like when it confronts contemporary art, culture and technology? Establishing dialogs between traditionaldand contemporary artists on various experiments and developments, which promotes deconstructing the traditional frameworks and re-constructing into new forms.

- The Belt and Road cities are a colorful reserve of history. Meanwhile, global modernization and popular culture have brought renewal and transformation to these cities. Maestro of traditional dance/art forms from the Belt and Road cities will convene in Hong Kong. From the conduct demonstrations and interaction, maestro will exchange their creative works with different contemporary artists from Hong Kong.

- The project will last for two years, and will be hosted in Hong Kong for three weeks each year. Three-week intensive learning and re-creation project invites contemporary dance artists to invent new projects collectively.

- This project unites artists. In addition to dance artists, there are other artists with different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities to collaborate in producing new dance performances, combining traditional art, contemporary dance, choreography, theatre, visual design, music and vocals. 

- Allowing artists to present their thoughts and research on developing projects, particularly in cross-media and cross-cultural exchange.

- Master Classes/Workshops are open for students and general public who are interested in experimentations and creative theater works between traditional and contemporary art forms.

- A series of performance of Exchange Platform will be conducted at the end.

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