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O l d    s h o e s    f o r    c h i l d r e n   ( w o r k i n g    t i t l e )

鞋子 3.jpg

Premiere in 2019

S y n o p s i s 

A project about dance, architect and children in the war.

"Every individual's decision will actually affect his contemporaries. Each generation's decision will affect his next generation." - Long Yingtai

When the choreographers Cyrus Hui and Elaine Kwok visited the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, they were shocked by the piles of remnants - shoes, hair, combs and glasses. In the five years of World War II, there were 1.1 million of Jews, Gypsies, Christians, intellectuals, members of the resistance organization and homosexuals who died in isolation. At that time, many Jews sincerely believed that work at the concentration camp would bring freedom. When the day of freedom came, they would be able to retrieve the small suitcases that were originally in possession. Unfortunately, these objects are now proof of their massacre.

History has always been a mirror. Today, don’t we believe that work will bring freedom? How many people are oppressed by the regimes and the times, how many people still expect freedom? We cannot help but ask, is war far away from us? How will innocent children be during the war?

Old shoes for children will invite an architect to be the space consultant of the project, from initial data collection, to creation of different spaces in the work, the selection and application of materials, to provide relevant professional advice, so that researches from different perspectives will mingle and evolve into something new. New perspectives are turned into body movements and dance passages to create a unique and mature dance piece.

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